Poem: Emmy and Me

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis aka. M.E. … Emmy

She came to me overnight. I hadn’t realised I’d invited her. It turns out I had. Too much stress and not enough rest were all the invitation she needed.

Like a poor houseguest, she takes from me. Precious, precious energy. Things I hadn’t realised I had until they were gone.

Since her arrival we’ve been vying for control of my body. She always wins. When it seems like she hasn’t, she will win eventually.

What was once an easy stroll, is now and insurmountable mountain.

I used to take my quick thinking and intelligence for granted, assuming it was an integral part of me. Not even that was safe from her greedy grasp.

She takes away and all she gives is pain. She forces me to give up work, fun, relationships, life… and in return I get exhaustion, and the faint hope that eventually my sacrifice will be enough to make her leave me someday.


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